In my opinion, the best hybrid mode is “Grid Tie with Backup II“.
Eastron meter is needed in order to get this mode to work correctly.
In this mode, the inverter blends Grid+PV+battery power together. It allways try to compensate grid to zero:
For a shame, this mode does not work with NetMetering because it aims at 0 export. If you have an excess power generation, fully charged batteries and small AC loads, the inverter will lower it’s output.
If you want to use NetMetering, the best mode is “Grid Tie with Backup I”
In this mode Eastron meter must NOT be installed.
The logic is very same like in the previous mode, but with two exceptions:
Feeding the battery to the grid
By default, feeding the battery to the grid is disabled in all modes. However, if you really want to, you can manually tick “allow grid feed-in” + “allow the feed-in battery to the grid”. Then the inverter will send all the excess PV generation to the grid, up to a defined limit (normally 3700W). And if there’s not enough PV, it will discharge the battery to the grid too. Again, up to a total limit of 3700W by default. For a shame, it’s not possible to control battery discharge based on the SoC. It simply discharges the battery up to a point where the low-voltage threshold kicks in.