Conversol 5kVA 48V powers a retail shop in Greece Another consumer becomes energy independent.
The owner of a Greek gift’s shop decided to install solar panels on the tile roof and terminate his contract with the national energy supplier (Δ.Ε.Η). The south-east facing roof is not fitted with 3000Watt of photovoltaic panels. The solar energy is fed directly to the electrical loads (air condition, led lights, a small fridge, computer, outdoor lights and LED Signage) and any excessive power is stored to the AGM (Lead acid) batteries. The back up energy is used at night or in cloudy days. The solar kit for off grid power supply is described below.
Picture 1. 5kVA inverter charger with battery equalilzer. 48V Battery bank mounted on metallic racks. Single Phase Consumer unit
DC Combiner box (left), Single Phase consumer unit (bottom left), DC 80A Battery Fuses (bottom right).
Hoppecke 8kWh 48V solar bloc VR-M 250Ah
The inverter is connected to a solar arrange with 12 solar panels, the combiner boxes contains all the necessary protection such as string fuses. The single DC Ouput IS around 100-110vDC with 32Amps. The total power is 12x 250W that is 3000Watt. The annual energy yiled of the off grid system will be over 4,110kWh.
HOPPECK SOLAR BLOC. 250Ah VR – M Batteries (GEL Batteries)
The customer provided a customized mounting system with two levels of racks, due to space restrictions, a special support rack was necessary that respect the mounting regulations of Hoppecke. The maximum distance between the batter blocs and maximum cable length was taken into consideration. The overall capacity at C10 charge rate is 8kWh.
Block diagram of a typical off grid system
This is the back side of the shop. There are 9 solar panels from EGING with power rating 250Watt each.
The panels are available here at very competitive prices only £120 for a brand new photovoltaic module.
Fact : Solar panels under full sun. 10-15kWh per day from 2250Watt of installed solar energy
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+44 2477 675 575 or +44 2476 98 0972.
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