Hybrid Solar off grid inverter installed in UK

Polycrystalline Vs Monocrystalline Solar Panels
June 4, 2016
Solar Projects Around the World. On Grid and Off Grid
June 28, 2016

Hybrid Solar off grid inverter installed in UK

The 3kW hybrid solar inverter creates a smart AC grid.

Solar Off Grid Inverter for a smarter AC Grid

Voltacon supplied a solar off grid inverter that powers a farm house in Lancaster (UK). The inverter has an AC output power of 3kW and battery DC voltage of 48V. The inverter work is perfect harmony with an immerSUN that helps you to self consume the solar produced by the microgeneration system. The farm house will store the energy into GEL/AGM batteries as a first priority. When the batteries are fully charged the domestic loads will be powered by the the hybrid off grid inverter (Voltason HSI3000).

The immerSUN is our ‘state of the art’ energy saving device. It helps you to self-consume the green energy produced by your micro-generation system and is compatible with all renewable generation technologies, including solar photovoltaics.

Mr James Slade said:  I bought a system about a year ago now, I got it setup and commissioned we are really happy, we have even got an electric Car now.


The case of the farm house is a perfect example to demonstrate that you can really manage your own energy. The hybrid off grid inverter will be used to

  • Charge batteries
  • Heat the water in the electric boiler
  • Feed the domestic appliances
  • Charge an electric car using the energy stored into the solar batteries


  • You are 100%  independent from the escalating cost of electricity.
  • Your home-grown solar electricity is environmentally friendly and inexpensive
  • You have the absolute control of your power consumption all the time.
  • You benefit from automatic control features that take into account your individual needs
  • You can rely on future-proof photovoltaic technology that is ready for variable electricity tariffs and smart grid

The electricity production from your solar system costs less than that from you utility supplier. 

Voltacon can supply you with the monitoring hardware and software  to control your solar off grid inverter from any part of the world 24/7.

If you are interested in producing your own electricity you can contact us directly

E: [email protected]
T: +44 2477 675 757

Designer and developer of solar photovoltaic systems from 1kW to Megawatt range. Steve worked for Alstom and General Electric for 11 years. He develops solar inverter and complete systems with energy storage that are affordable, easy to install, and have a quick return on investment.

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