How much energy can I produce at home from solar panels ?

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How much energy can I produce at home from solar panels ?

Solar panels installed on terrace in Spain

In this article, we release real data from a solar installation with only 8 solar panels on a mid-terrace house in the UK. We collecting data for 12 months starting in February 2020 until February 2021. Our research is useful for the consumers because they can evaluate how much energy they can generate from solar panels and how much they can save if they install energy storage.

The installation under rigorous examination has a 5kW Solis Hybrid Inverter, lithium-ion energy storage, and 285W solar panels.


Simplified diagram of the actual home installation. A 5.5Kw hybrid inverter remains permanently connected in parallel with the grid power supply. Lithium-ion batteries are charged from solar and low-cost electricity from the grid.

2280Watt PV Panels Installed on the Roof.

It might sound like a small number of panels but on sunny days there is enough electricity to offset 100% of the cost of electricity. The diagrams below illustrate the total energy production Vs consumption. It is important to take into account that part of the energy consumed (energy drawn from the national grid) was purchased at an “economy tariff ” £0.05/kWh.

Let make clear first some basic but important number for solar panels. An average house requires around 3-4kW of photovoltaics. 3kW requires 226sq.ft or around 20sq.m space, considering 355W monocrystalline panels. Form 1kW you should expect 850kWh – 950kWh per annum. 

3kW produces approximately 2,700kWh, 4kW system generates 3,600kWh

Actual generation directly from the sun and total consumption – 2.2kW System

  • Total Consumption: 4,934kWh
  • Total Production: 1,606kWh.
  • Statistical data 850kWh per 1kw per year.
  • According to statistics, our 2.28kW installation should produce 1950kWh


Solar Energy Production in February, UK Installation 2.2kW



Solar Energy Production in March, UK Installation 2.2kW


Solar Energy Production in April, UK Installation 2.2kW


Solar Energy Production in May, UK Installation 2.2kW


Solar Energy Production in June, UK Installation 2.2kW


Solar energy production in July 2020, Coventry UK

Energy production from solar panels, Coventry UK, August 2020


September 2020, solar energy in kWh



Low energy generation from solar panels in October 2020

October 2020 energy production Coventry UK


How much energy solar panels produce in November 2020

Energy production in November 2020


December 2020, low energy production, Zero kwh recorded in cloudy days with rain


January production in 2021

All black high-quality solar panels for residential applications. 320Watt monocrystalline.


Designer and developer of solar photovoltaic systems from 1kW to Megawatt range. Steve worked for Alstom and General Electric for 11 years. He develops solar inverter and complete systems with energy storage that are affordable, easy to install, and have a quick return on investment.

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